Diablo 4 Classes With Companions

Diablo 4 Classes and Companions

Diablo 4 is the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Diablo franchise, a classic action role-playing game that has been around since the mid-1990s. Diablo 4 will be the first game in the series to feature companions, a feature that was first introduced in the third game. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different Diablo 4 classes and their accompanying companions.


The Barbarian is a classic Diablo class, and one that has been around since the first game. They are a powerful melee combatant, and specialize in dealing massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. The Barbarian’s companion is a large, ferocious wolf that fights by their side.


The Sorceress is a powerful spellcaster, and has been a staple of the Diablo series since the first game. They specialize in casting powerful spells, and can also summon creatures to fight for them. The Sorceress’s companion is a powerful elemental spirit, which can be used to fight alongside the player or to cast powerful spells.


The Druid is a new class in Diablo 4, and is a hybrid between a spellcaster and a melee fighter. They specialize in using nature-based magic, and can also transform into various animal forms. The Druid’s companion is a large bear, which can be used to fight alongside the player or to cast powerful spells.


The Necromancer is a powerful spellcaster, and has been a staple of the Diablo series since the first game. They specialize in controlling the dead, and can summon and control powerful undead minions. The Necromancer’s companion is a powerful skeletal dragon, which can be used to fight alongside the player or to cast powerful spells.

Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter is a new class in Diablo 4, and is a hybrid between a spellcaster and a ranged fighter. They specialize in using arcane magic, and can also use ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows. The Demon Hunter’s companion is a powerful demon imp, which can be used to fight alongside the player or to cast powerful spells.


Diablo 4 introduces a number of new classes and companions, giving players a variety of options when it comes to creating their perfect character. Each class has a unique companion that can be used to fight alongside the player or to cast powerful spells, making them an invaluable asset in combat. With the release of Diablo 4 just around the corner, players are sure to have a lot of fun experimenting with the different classes and their companions.

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